New Haven
June 2nd 1862
My very Dear Son,
I cannot express in words the gratitude I feel that your life has been spared to us. How merciful and kind has been the dealings of our heavenly Father towards you that you were preserved in such a fearful time. I am rejoiced that I did not know of the battle till it was over. Tuesday evening we were sitting in the library. Quite a number of gentlemen of the Legislature were calling and the Revd. Mr. Dutton happened in and they were talking about the news and I was of course feeling very anxious when Mr. Bunce came in and said that Captain Corlis had telegraphed that the 5th was safe. You can have no idea how relieved we all felt and [Ed] Blake also telegraphed and on Friday I received your welcome letter and to day (Monday) your Father received another. They have been read by quite a number. Every one is so anxious to hear.
Mrs. Corlis has just gone from here. She is going to start for Williams port this evening. She was anxious to have me accompany her and I did long to do so but as I have been quite unwell I thought it would not be prudent to think of such a thing much as I should be delighted to hold you to my bosom again should you not have given your Mother a welcome. I know I am foolish but I do so long for a good night kiss such as you used to give me in days of yore. You can have no idea how much we all think and talk about you and often laugh at your old sayings.
I was so in hopes you would remain in Williamsport and then I thought you would be able to get my letters. You have no idea how many I have written that I think you could not have received or you would have mentioned some things that I have written. I am sorry you did not get the letter I sent by Dr. Bissell. Poor fellow I am sorry he is captured. . . .
I do wish Dear M you could see how pretty our house looks and every thing about the garden. I often wish you could see the improvements and the arrangements inside you would like. I should enjoy it if you was only here but I do feel so anxious about you all the time that it destroys a great deal of my pleasure.
I wish you would continue to mark your letters [with numbers] as you forgot to do so [on] the last two. I shall also mark the next I write by mail. Did you get one I wrote about a week or two ago? I directed it Washington. Father is in a great hurry to take this to Mrs. Corlis and I am writing in great haste and it is almost dark.
All [sister] Hattie’s family are well. She wrote to you by Dr. Bissell. She sends love. Did you get the picture of the baby that I sent? Do continue to write as often as you can. It is such a comfort to us. I hope some of my stray letters will get to you by and bye. Your Father will write soon. Lilly was very much pleased with her letter. She sends love. She will write again soon. I must now say good bye Dear Melzar.
From your ever aff. Mother,
E. E. Dutton